How to Effectively Manage a Website Translation Project

Available On-demand

Are you planning to translate your website? If so, lucky you got here! To ensure that everything goes according to plan, it's crucial to know how to manage a website translation project in the most practical way. And that's precisely what we talked about!

Regardless of the number of languages or volume of content, this is a complex process that demands a well-structured workflow. So, it's crucial to carefully consider your objectives, available resources, and the tools at your disposal. Most importantly, understanding your target audience— their language, habits, preferences, and culture—is essential. 


Ann Montañana

Spanish Department Director

Learn From Our Experts

Join our speaker and get an overview on how to create
a winning strategy for your business.


Mili Cunibertti

Project Manager

What Will You Learn?

It sounds like a puzzle, doesn't it? But it can be much easier if you already have the fundamentals in place.

Listen back to this webinar to learn what you need to know about::



Process: The step-by-step plan we recommend following from beginning to end. Also, the tools you should have fine-tuned.



Challenges: We analyse the most common roadblocks, so you can effectively take the lead and know how to avoid or solve them.



Benefits: Is it worth going through this whole experience? Definitely, yes. We'll look at the key benefits, so you don’t hesitate.

We’ll cover these aspects in detail and more!

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