Multilingual SEO Checklist and Style Guide

This multilingual SEO checklist and style guide template contains a complete list of general information and preferences. 

All this with the goal of helping your international website achieve the best possible quality and consistency in all languages and the best possible SEO results.


Multilingual SEO Checklist Preview

How to Use This Multilingual SEO Checklist and Style Guide Template

Have all your website's SEO details in one place, so you can edit it as many times as you need to, without losing any information along the way.



Obtain the free Multilingual SEO Checklist and Style Guide template for international websites. Once you have filled in the form, you will be redirected to a page where you can copy the resource to your Google Drive.



Customise the resource with your company’s information to make it your own.



Complete the sections you want to expand on and remove the sections that aren’t relevant to your needs.

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